Toronto Boxing Academy

Boxing is a tough, gritty sport. I feel it is competition in its purest form. You face off against another, one on one. You have to outthink, out maneuver and try to best your opponent.
A lot goes into the training. You have your coach(s) and sparring partners helping you prepare, but in the ring it’s all you. I've experienced the high of some big wins and the lows of some tough losses. You learn a lot about yourself and your capabilities.
You can go into the ring not liking an opponent. At the end of the fight, regardless of the outcome, you share a mutual respect for one another. It takes a lot to step through those ropes. The commitment and sacrifice to train for weeks or months on end, knowing you are going up against an opponent that is doing the same. An opponent that wants to win as much as you.
The love for the competition and sport is what makes owning a gym so enjoyable. Everybody comes in with a different end goal, but we are all there to become better versions of ourself.
In my opinion, a boxing workout is unmatched. It will get you in great shape, it allows you to release your stress and frustrations, you will grow in confidence. It allows you to push your boundaries, you will often push yourself further than you thought you were capable of.
Boxing has given me an outlet that has made my life better, through it I met the love of my life and we have a beautiful family together.
Everyday in the gym I get to experience the difference the sport and the workout is making in our members lives. Whether it’s getting them into better shape, teaching them a reliable form of self-defense, honing skills for an upcoming competition or just providing a community where people can come have fun and meet some new friends.
Boxing changed my life, drop into the gym and see what it does for yours.
Education, Experience & Certifications:
Fitness and Nutrition Diploma
Sports Administration Diploma
Voted #1 Personal Trainer in Ajax/Pickering
TBA Instructor Certification
Training For Warrior's Level 1 & 2 Instructor Certificate
Senior Fitness Certification
Indoor Cycling Certification
Children’s Fitness Coach Certificate
Pre and Post Natal Fitness Certificate
NCCP certified Boxing Coach
CASK certified Kickboxing Coach
Professional Boxer
Former Professional Mixed Martial Artist
Ultimate Generation Combat Veteran MMA
Former Ultimate Generation Combat Light-Heavyweight Champion MMA